Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Continuation of the Game & The Accident

So we left the party to go to the game....We started in the third inning where we left off, we were up 2-0. Karsyn had to catch today because of a pitching change. Both teams were making silly errors, and it was a nail biter right to the very end. We were the home team and the score went back and forth but top of the 6th we were ahead so if we could hold them we won! Well we started walking kids, walking in runs, not good! Bases were loaded and it could be bad! But finally we pulled it out and got three outs...the Orioles won the championship!!!! The silly string came out and it was just a scene on the pitcher's mound. Good thing I had my camera with me for this it was very exciting! See some pics below!

From the pictures you can tell the kids were thrilled beyond belief, very exciting!! However, when we got to the game, my sister-in-law called me to tell me that Dylan had an accident!! My heart dropped. Supposedly, Dylan was riding the quad (without a helmet!!!!), when he swerved to miss a squirrel and ended up flipping the quad into a ditch. Good thing it was in the ditch because he ended up there and the quad laid acrossed him supported on both sides so it didn't land on top of him! had some scratches and bumps and bruises, but was ok. He called me to let me know he was all right. Now since the game was over, I needed to get right back to check on him! Make sure he was ok, give him a great big hug and then kill him for not wearing a helmet!! Oh my goodness, this weekend was CRAZY! Dylan did get back on the quad with a helmet before we went home for the night. God, I hope this week is better!

Big Day for K

Today is Karsyn's Baptism, he become s a full member of the church. He is very excited but nervous as they get dunked in the tub! He looked so handsome in his suit, though when we got there he took off his suit coat because he was too hot. Oh, well what are you gonna do.

That's Karsyn on the right and my nephew Brandon on the left!

It was really cool to see especially for my other younger nephew's who were watching, that thought it was pretty funny when Karsyn got 'dunked' in the tub. They had to wear a plain white t-shirt and swim trunks and then they put these white robes on that they went into the tub with. The minister wore waders under his robe, though I thought he was a very quick change. The one thing I was excited about was that the minister asked for the 'DADS' to go back to help the boys when they got out of the tub! for once the MOMS didn't have to go!!!

All went well with the service, he read his scripture without too many errors, and he became a member of the church. He was thrilled. Off to my sister-in-law's for the after party, which by the way I was cooking for since Friday!

Second Playoff Game

Well, Saturday was the day for the second playof game for the championship. Nerve racking that's for sure. We started off with a bang ~ Karsyn was playing thrid base today. We got 2 runs in the first inning! Thank goodness because the skies opened up and the heavens rained down on us ~ and rained, and rained. It was raining so hard my umbrella wasn't really doing much good. The field started to puddle and they had to finally postpone the game ~ only one problem with that.....Karsyn was getting Baptized on Sunday and having a party for family and godparents. Well, he was going to have to cut it short because we were playing at 4!! Sure no problem, mom's taxi is always on duty! Shortly after we left the park it stopped raining, but they still couldn't play someone would have gotten hurt ~ not worth it! To be continued......

Where Do I Start!!

The weekend was off to a great start when Karsyn and I were returning home from the store with all the food I needed to make for his Baptism on Sunday. We were driving by the Turkey Hill, with and ambulance there, when Karsyn yelled that Grandpa's motorcycle was there!! Well we circled back around to find that he had just been run over by a girl who launched him right off the bike!!! It probably happened while we sat there in traffice, the ambulance was at the stop sign and witnessed the whole thing. My training kicked in and I began to help. No obvious injuries but complaining of a headache and his shoulder bothering him, short period of time he was out. My husband arrived on scene with the firetruck so I met him as well so he knew it was his dad and let him know he was ok! Spent most of the rest of the day in the ER. Turns out nothing broken exept for his heart because his bike has anywhere from 6-8,000 worth of damage! Thank goodness the store has video tape that showed the whole thing ~ the girl was backing around from the other side of the pumps and obviously she needs to work on those skills because she wasn't anywhere near the pumps and didn't look in her mirror! He's ok but god if this is the start of the weekend what else could happen!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Baseball ~ my summer life!

Well, it's been a little bit since I wrote, very busy with graduation orders and such. Life is also filled with baseball, baseball and more baseball!! We won the first half championship, therefore, we are in the championship playoffs now! Yipppeee! They start tonight, with the hope that the rain stays away long enough, well the lightning anyway. We sit in the rain most of the time. So, there is a game tonight, game Saturday and if needed a game on Monday. We also have an upcoming Baptism for Karsyn this Sunday, when he finally becomes a full member of the church and can finally receive communion ~ thank goodness, the first Sunday of the month was always a struggle when he couldn't receive! Ugggghhhh ~ rules, what are you gonna do. Well, wanted to touch base and will hopefully post some pics over the weekend perhaps of Karsyn being dunked in the tub!! He He! Til later!

Friday, June 5, 2009

My wonderful eight grader!

Well, told you about Karsyn and his big day, but now I need to update you on Dylan. He had a great year in eighth grade. He achieved National Honor Society and Academic Honors, Presidential Physical Fitness Award, Scholastic Arts Award and Amercian Cultures Award. He is now ready to move on to ninth grade where everything starts to count! The race is on and is realy anybody's game! He is a great kid who always strives for excellence, sometimes a little too much! They certainly don't take after their mother. I am very proud of both of my boys!

Karsyn Graduates Sixth Grade!

Well, I did pretty well today and held it together for the most part. I had so much I was responsible to do that I really didn't have time to break down. Good thing! My baby boy is now going to the high school and in just a few short years I will end up having two boys away at college. I am so not ready for this!

I am very proud of Karsyn ~ he received second highest average in his class! Yeah Karsyn! He was shocked beyond belief and has not yet put his plaque down! Very cool!